March is creeping up fast. I have hit a wall with my art work. Just can't seem to find my groove, as they say. It's been that way for weeks. In spite of taking classes about journaling, I am still standing still.
I love this pretty lady with the four leaf clover. Makes me think of St. Patrick's Day. My paternal grandfather immigrated here at the age of two from Ireland in the 1835. I am proud of my Irish heritage. Irish soda bread is a favorite of mine. It's where I get my fair skin, reddish brown hair and blue eyes. I love to listen to The Chieftains. Give me a happy leprechaun any day!
This is the only family picture of my 3-greats back grandfather, John C. Ryan, born on January 18, 1833 in Emily, County Tipperary, Ireland. He passed in 1928.
Several times a week I get an email from Cloth, Paper, Scissors called "Embellishments." It is full of new ideas and wonderful things they are doing or have discovered. It is an informative email to get and I always look forward to it. Two weeks ago I got an email about their new quarterly publication Studios. In that email there was a list of suggestions on how to decrease the size of your stash in an eco-friendly way. Well, I read those and think that I will employ most of them.
My stash is overflowing. Don't think there is much chance of my using it up in what is left of my lifetime. I continue to add to it. Then I forget what I have. I constantly dig through stuff and find things that I had totally forgotten about. Sound familiar??
Well, I am going to start "destashing." Three of the five suggestions given in that email were to sell it, give it away, use it up. I am going to employ all of those real soon! My stash is taking up a lot of room, I can't find things, it's time for it to live with someone else. Besides, I could use some extra cash! Who couldn't??

Several times a week I get an email from Cloth, Paper, Scissors called "Embellishments." It is full of new ideas and wonderful things they are doing or have discovered. It is an informative email to get and I always look forward to it. Two weeks ago I got an email about their new quarterly publication Studios. In that email there was a list of suggestions on how to decrease the size of your stash in an eco-friendly way. Well, I read those and think that I will employ most of them.
My stash is overflowing. Don't think there is much chance of my using it up in what is left of my lifetime. I continue to add to it. Then I forget what I have. I constantly dig through stuff and find things that I had totally forgotten about. Sound familiar??
Well, I am going to start "destashing." Three of the five suggestions given in that email were to sell it, give it away, use it up. I am going to employ all of those real soon! My stash is taking up a lot of room, I can't find things, it's time for it to live with someone else. Besides, I could use some extra cash! Who couldn't??
Great picture of your GGG Grandfather. My dad's family is also from Ireland. I started doing some genealogy (all four grandparents) and it is facinating.
Sure know what you mean when you talk about your stash. "My Stash Runith Over!" And, still I buy more. Can't help myself when I see vintage fabric, lace or photographs. I don't want to pass up a real find. I too am thinning out my stash, but plan to keep the things that I really love.
my goal, judy, is to get SUPER organized this year, including my overflowing art supplies... one thing i've done this week is sort out my lovely scrapbook papers into three stacks, small, partial, and FULL size sheets, this alone has helped! now i'm using the 'partials' to create new tag like business cards...
if you are selling, i'm happy to see what you have and BUY BUY BUY!!! take care, judy
I, too, have waaaaaaaaay to much stuff. I start thinking I am going to downsize and then do not know what to get rid of. Always afraid I might "need" it. Truth is, I can just buy it again. I have got to get rid of some stuff because like clothes, I will always want to buy more. I have thought about just buying for particular projects but everytime I see a paper I just love I buy it. I need to accept this and get rid of the old to make way for the new. Maybe a suggestion would be to compare it to clothes. Alright, I am writing an entire post here so I think I will go to my blog and blog!
WaaaaaY more what-nots and doo-dads than I'll ever EVER use here, too! Thinking you should do a class, Judy .. a 'De-Stash Bash' .. have everyone bring in a supply of their 'excess', mix it all up, and see what we get!! :)
You just never know .. :)!
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