When I was 11 or 12, I don't remember exactly, my mother and grandmother got me interested in sewing. My sister and I had been given Vogue Ginny Dolls for Christmas. Of course, we wanted nice wardrobes for our little dolls. So, since we didn't have spending money to buy new (new outfits and accessories were gifts for birthdays and Christmas), I learned how to make doll clothes (by hand, no sewing machine) from scraps in my grandmothers sewing basket. I must have had patterns because the little clothes did fit the dolls.
This is my Vogue Ginny Doll in her original outfit and several outfits that I made for her. She has been safely kept in the blue trunk since I gave up playing with dolls 50+ years ago. These days little Ginny is showing her age. She needs to be refitted with strings or bands inside so that her legs and arms are secure. She is not for play. That is why I still have her instead of giving her to my granddaughter, Kara. Kara is 6 1/2 and has a little brother who can be rough on big sis's toys. Perhaps when Kara is much older.
Anyway, for Christmas last year I bought Kara an American Girl doll and matching pajama sets for Kara and the doll. So now I am jazzed about making doll clothes again.
My bff Joy loaned to me a bag full of American Girl doll clothes patterns. She used to make doll clothes for her daughter's American Girl doll.
This is a big savings to me since patterns for 18" dolls range from $16 to $18 apiece. I was suffering from sticker shock after I looked at all the pattern books in JoAnne's.
The circled pattern is the first one I am going to make. Want to get it to Kara by Valentine's Day.
So I went shopping for fabric that has a tiny print and is in pink. Kara's favorite color is pink -- so's mine! I like to think she gets that from me!
I went to Zoe's Trunk in Chandler, AZ -- SW corner of Elliot and Alma School for those who live in the East Valley. Zoe's Trunk is mainly a quilting shop, but it has lots and lots of fabric that is perfect for making doll clothes -- lightweight cotton or blends. You see how this is wrapped? That is how the salesgirl handed my purchase to me. Loved this!!!
Here are the fat quarters I bought to make the doll clothes. Think I will use the center fabric for the dress and the felt for the heart pockets. I plan to make another dress out of the fabric piece on the left for Kara's birthday. The piece on the right is for me! Love the pink roses!!
So. I will be getting the dress made real soon. Will update you when it is finished and before I mail it off the Kara.
47 minutes ago
I enjoyed your post tonight. It brought back some wonderful childhood memories. I still like looking at the dolls at Christmas even though I only have grandsons. I will be looking forward to seeing your finished doll clothes. Have a great day. A Missouri Friend.
Thanks for sharing about the doll clothes. I was never very good at it-fingers are too fat! Did try Barbie clothes one time but yeah again not so good at it.
My mom has all my Barbies in a trunk in the shed. Wonder if they are worth anything?
I love that you still have your doll and the clothes you made all those years ago.
Glad you were able to borrow some patterns for doll clothes making.
Can't wait to see the doll dress.
Thanks for sharing.
My Favorite Aunt Loree made doll clothes with me and my mom, of course. Such fun. I stil have one of my first dolls but tearfully tell you a puppy of my daughters chewed one of the hands. It also needs to be operated on. Love to go to Zoe's Trunk. Have not been there in forever... Enjoy your sewing.
OH!!! This is so great, love your dollie and her case. Can hardly wait to see her new clothes.
Hi friends,
This fabric that has a tiny print and is in pink doll clothes looking so sweet. Really,it is a very good idea! Keep it up!
American Girl Doll Clothes
I love that you still have your childhood doll and the clothes that you made for her. I have some of my mom's childhood dolls and adore them.
You've got some great fabric choices there. I can't wait to see the finished product.
I also had a Ginny and a blue trunk. My grandmother made beautiful clothes for my Ginny, all sewn on her treadle machine. I wish I still had all the wonderful clothes Grandma made for my dolls, especially Ginny.
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