Just been super busy with shopping every weekend for my booth at Merchant's. Usually spent 4 days each week and then I have to price it all, fix it up (if necessary), and get it to Merchant's and rearrange the booth. No new pics for that today, however. You just have to get to Merchant Square to see my new items and the redecorating!
Back in November, I entered a blog give away. Frankly, I forgot all about it because I never win any of the give aways. However, that changed just a week or so ago. The mailman brought all these goodies to my mailbox today from Nancy Collins of Nancarts. Can't wait to dig into some good reading! And the laces, trims and buttons are going on project soon to be finished. Thanks Nancy! Be sure to check out her blog and see the "junk drawer bracelet" she put together! Fabulous!
Yesterday was my birthday. Did I do anything special? Nope! Just everyday stuff -- health club, grocery shopping (ugh!), laundry, dinner out with a friend, and an afternoon of bridge (where I had absolutely no good cards!). However, my grandchildren called me and sang "Happy Birthday" to me over the phone! Loved that! Also got to talk to my sons, my cousin, and several friends. All in all, a pretty good day! I thought I would share with you the lovely flowers my son and daughter-in-law sent to me as well as some of the cards I received.
A nice vintage find at an estate sale a week ago. A very pretty full slip. I have a friend, Tricia Samsal of Vintage Bliss who is adding extra lace and roses to her vintage slip finds. Check them out on her January 16 blog. Very pretty!
Here is a close up of the ruffle at the bottom of the slip. I am hanging onto it until I hear from Tricia about whether she wants to buy it to alter. Tricia??
Thanks for stopping by to visit! I'll be back. Am going to gather items together for a give away to start the new year. Stay tuned!!
8 hours ago
Congrats on your win Judy! Also, Happy Belated Birthday!
ah, you have restored my hope that i will win a giveaway soon! i'm off to join some! thanks!
I love your blog. Happy Birthday to you!!
Happy Birthday to you, late, Judy! I am glad you had a nice day.. sometimes there is so much pressure to come up with something so called Grand to do on special occasions, it takes the joy out of them. How nice it is to have a life that brings one special occasion joy every day of the year! Oh... and great win!!!
I have seen some of those slips Tricia is doing and they are adorable.
Happy Happy Birthday Dear Judy!
I am so happy you posted! When I paid my rent at Merchant Square I just had to stop in to see your booth. I can never leave without buying something from you, even though I'm saving my pennies for Paris. I'm going to Paris in a couple of months! Woo Hoo!
I'm loving your blog background, it's so pretty!
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