Classes today with Tim Holtz! Already finished the morning class, Industrial Grunge, and will be headed back for the evening class of Elements of a Creative Mind. See Tim's blog for pictures. He brought in all of his industrial grunge pieces, as well as his elements pieces. Must say that when this is all said and done, it will be one great day!
Industrial Grunge! Can't say it is my "look" or my "thing" but I loved it!!! Here are the three pieces I finished in class this morning with Tim. But Tim provided all 50 of us in the class with lots of industrial grunge elements and pieces of his grunge board. We painted the grunge board with metallic paints, then sanded, scruffed them up with sandpaper and then inked them. After that it was junk them up to your heart's content! Loads of fun and very freeing of one's creative spirit! No copying his!! It was too much fun creating your own!!

Cece and I ended up sitting together at the same table. It was nice to see Cece again -- last time was the blog class with Mike Putman. You can visit Cece's blog here.

Here we are together with Tim. Must say I must have been talking when Kim took the picture. Not my best shot!!

These cute aprons are Tim's design. I have to admit that it was time for me to get a new apron with large pockets. My old one is covered in paint and probably quite grungy from laying in the garage. Hmm! Maybe it would have been perfect?? Tim was kind enough to autograph our aprons.
Am really looking forward to this evening's class. Here are some pics of Tim's Elements of a Creative Mind pieces. The big surprise is that they are lighted! This class ought to be fun! Just look at the "elements"! I even see a Dia de los Muertos theme in the second one.

Judy, great to see you too and love your description of class. Can't believe my good camera was out of battery power. Unfortunately. most of my pictures are quite bluury. YUK! Thank you for the link to me on your blog. I stlll have much to learn so I can return the favor. Hope to see you again soon.
I am green with envy Judy, your TH pieces look fabulous, and cant wait to see more.. You sure are a lucky gal, wish he would come down under for a few classes. Preferably to my home...LOL!!
Thanks for sitting with me! It was a very delightful class. I love your finished project!
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