Last Saturday, was Carol Wingert's "Spool Story" workshop. Patty Fleming and her husband opened up their beautiful home for 16 of us to participate in this workshop. Carol always creates wonderful projects. She fills some kind of large container for each of us and decorates it. Inside we find a treasure chest of fabric, trinkets, ribbon, trims, and the bits and pieces to complete the entire project. These workshops are great fun!
Each one of us found our own special box with a lollipop flower on top and a fabric name tag. Carol always packages up many treasures inside each box for our projects.
There was a burlap bag inside full of French ribbons and trims. You can see some of my completed pieces on the right.
A bundle of beautiful fabric pieces ranging from canvas, to cottons, to silks! The parcel contains some rubons, labels and bits of wire for the project.
Here you can see my spool that is awaiting my finished strip of squares. You also see more trims and stuff that came in those two brown envelopes.
The inside of the box has black and white gingham fabric lining. You can see the metal top that goes on the spool, makings for a tiny nest, and the strip to attach all the little squares for the story. In the bag is a pocket watch that we can fill with a small collage and attach to our finished spool.
Late in the afternoon, Patty prepared a selection of desserts for all of us. She made these cute teacups that held two of the most scrumptious chocolate chip cookies! Isn't this just the cutest thing? Patty made enough for every one of us! How special! How wonderful!
A wonderful time was had by all! Thanks to Carol, Vern and Ashley Wingert for all the prep work! And thanks to Patty and her hubby for opening their beautiful home to all of us, for cooking the most scrumptious foods (the gumbo was fantastic!), and for being such welcoming and delightful hosts!
22 hours ago
1 comment:
Judy, your new blog look is fabulous.
I so love it.
What a wonderful class this was. All those supplies made me weak in the knees.
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