These three stacked flower pots have small cacti growing in them. I actually purchased this at an estate sale about four years ago. Admittedly, I have been neglectful of these tiny cacti and they don't often get watered. But this spring I have been nurturing spider plants, aloe and yucca plants on the patio and when I am done watering them, I pour the remaining water on these tiny cacti. They are considerably larger now and doing well as you can see . . .
This is a close up of the small cactus that is actually blooming this year! I was so surprised to see this tiny yellow flower on the cactus when I watered it this morning. Just had to share that with you.
This is my saguaro, Harry. My DDHubby named it Harry because it has so many spines that it looks hairy. Saguaros usually bloom in April but Harry wasn't showing any signs of blooms. Then just last week, there they were! Lots and lots of them!! One or two of the blossoms open each day and lasts only for that day. There are bees buzzing around the blossoms and a particular kind of curved bill dove with white wing patches appears. That dove seems to love the inside of the blossoms as well as the fruit that forms once the blossom dies. I would love to be able to get some fruit, but the doves last year managed to eat and destroy all the fruit.
Earlier today I also watched a roadrunner running down the street in front of my house. He was carrying something "stringy" in his beak. Don't really want to know what it was. It is such fun to just watch nature that surrounds me. I love it!!
14 hours ago
Go check out the visitor we had today! I'll take your visitors any day.
Go check out the visitor we had today! I'll take your visitors any day.
Isn't having a nurtured "anything" bloom? Love it!
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