Monday, March 10, 2008

Thanks, Mike!

For the new banner! I love those eyes peeking out at you! You gotta love Mike Putman! Thanks!!

If you would like to try one of Mike's banners, visit his blog as well as his Flickr site. He made up several banners in different background colors. I just saved the one I liked from Flickr to my computer, added the text through Photoshop and then downloaded it to Blogger. I tried several templates to go with it, but found I liked the same one the best. Can't get past pink! Hmm!! The other templates are not as nice except the black, and I don't think I am ready to go to black. Sorry, Mike! I love it on your blog!

Here's an update on the bamboo tile bracelet. Still in progress. Have to wait for the Diamond Glaze to dry. I added words to the back of some tiles. Jewels and turquoise bits to the fronts. This is a cowgirl bracelet! Got to have some bling!! Am also putting together a necklace with the left over tiles.

1 comment:

Jack and Cat Curio said...

LOL!You are such a sweetheart!I need to take you out for coffee one of these mornings! Judy you are a grand inspiration! Talk soon!