Saturday, January 5, 2008

Did some shopping

After a couple of days under the weather -- sore back -- I went shopping. Yesterday I went to Pottery Barn because I wanted to see their new stuff in person. Their catalog arrived the day before. Of course, I would love to throw out all my furniture and redo everything with their stuff. But that is not sensible or possible! Here is what I found instead that fell within the budget -- LOL!!!:A packet of file folders that have colorful maps printed on them. Maps of San Francisco, Washington DC and New York. The jute is the softest jute I have ever found so I bought a roll. Then there are the flowers -- peonies. Love those big flowers! They are right at home in my bedroom on the dresser.

To the left is a wire basket that I snagged at Goodwill several months ago. It is great for holding those small boxes of cards and a jar of ribbons.

Several days ago I got an email from Amanda Belle Nolan, Managing Editor of Sew Somerset among other Stampington publications. She reminded me of the January 15 deadline for submissions and expressed the hope that I would submit something. Hmm! Forgot all about it! So I scrambled around here and collected up two projects and some ATC's to submit. Those went in the mail -- Priority Mail -- this afternoon. So they should get there in plenty of time. Keep your fingers crossed! Time will tell if my entries get published.

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