I have finally opened my Etsy shop -- Vintage Recycled!! In this shop I am going to sell my artwork as well as many of the great finds I have. I hope you will visit often to see what is in the shop. I will be posting items regularly. There is a new gadget on the right side of my blog that will take you there.
These tiny vintage ballerinas are for that special little girl's birthday cake OR a special project you have in mind. Perhaps they could become part of a goodie bag from a tea party? Aren't they cute??
I know! Valentine's Day is overwith, but perhaps this could become a note or small gift to a special person on their birthday?? Or for any special occasion.
Here's more pics from FOUND:
This cupboard would be fabulous in a studio or the dining room! Love it!
Another fab picture of a lady.
Check out the hanging lamps! See the ones at top right and in the center?? Do you know what material they are made from?? Kim told me about this stuff. It's the net they put on hills beside the freeways to keep the plantings and vegetation in place! Check out Kim's blog here to see it up close and get a better explanation!
11 hours ago
Yeah, congratulations! Fun stuff, great prices!
Nice pieces.
My first memories of birthday cakes include ballerinas just like those. Guess my childhood is now vintage. : )
Wow! You've been so busy! And I've been so out of the loop! I haven't seen anything that you've posted in a week or more! I'm hoping I can sit down and browse tonight! You're having so much fun, and I want to read all about it! Congratulations on getting your shop up and running! I am going to check it out before I sign off for the days errands! :)
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