Monday, July 23, 2012

Been away a long time!

I have to admit that it has been longer than usual since I last posted.  Am going to make up for that over the next few days.

First of all, I spent a week in Virginia visiting my grandchildren and thoroughly enjoying them.  The flight from Sky Harbor in Phoenix was delayed by nearly 6 hours!  Which put me in Dulles at a late hour.  But one of the perks from this delay was that I got a window seat and the entire row to myself!
Look at these gorgeous clouds!!
Here you can see the top of a towering cumulus cloud as it collapses.  Awesome!
One afternoon the grandchildren made hats out of paper picnic bowls.  Here's Kara hard at work coloring hers.  She wouldn't let me take a picture of her wearing her creation.
This is Ryan holding his hat creation upside down.  He wouldn't let me take his picture wearing the hat but at least I got him holding up his hat.

I had a fun time with them -- playing outdoors, watching them ride their bikes, taking walks with Kara, doing puzzles, assembling Legos, coloring, and listening to their piano practicing.  Miss them now!

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