Saturday, May 5, 2012

Miniature gardens

The first miniature gardens I saw recently were at the Lucketts Design House when I visited there in April.  Here are the three mini gardens I saw there.

These little gardens didn't have any real plants in there but they were cute!  The middle garden so reminds me of Williamsburg, VA.  They have wonderful gardens in the historic area.

Well, today I was reading blogs and checked out Julie's Less-Than-Perfect Life of Bliss and discovered that she had recently created a couple of miniature gardens.  You can check it out here and see how she created this garden.  Also her first mini garden link is in this same blog post.  It looks like she had some help from a mini assistant.  What child (regardless of age ((wink, wink))) or grandchild wouldn't love to create one of these gardens??  Just a darling project for anyone who would love a miniature garden.  Isn't this just too cute!
Julie's picture from her blog

BTW, I hope you notice that I do regularly add new blogs that I discover and drop those that don't post for a month or more.  Check out some of them.


  1. These are great! Thanks for including mine!

  2. Really beautiful job! Thank you so much for sharing these pics with us!
