Wednesday, May 9, 2012

In bloom in the backyard

With my new camera in hand, I set out to take pictures of the succulents and the saguaro that are in the backyard.  After that I watered everyone and will enjoy them.
Pretty white flower cluster on this blue and green succulent.
Tiny pink flowers on this one showing off the rusty roadrunner plant stake.
I love these because of the colors.  And they are under a wire "cloche" that I found at For the Love of Old.  It was originally used as a hanging basket for plants. 
While watering this pot with several small cacti in it, I discovered this one had tiny pink flowers!  How cute!  First time I have ever seen this one bloom.
And the saguaro just keeps getting more and more blossoms all over it!  It is almost crowned with them.  The only side that doesn't have many blossoms in the side that faces north.

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