Friday, May 18, 2012

Destination Found at Sweet Salvage in May

Once again the Sweet Gang did a wonderful job in their new digs on 7th.  Here are some of my favorite pics from Sweet Salvage yesterday.
Sweet Kim and her hubby Sweet Man Jim!!  Awesome day you put together for everyone yesterday!  Thanks so much for all you do!  It was another great day.
New sign on 7th Avenue and new awnings on the front of the building.
My favorite display!  Love the colors and French flavor!  So pretty.
How clever is this arrangement??
Loved this light blue chair and the Paris book on the seat!

I love this necklace.  Just wish I had bought it!!
 This burlap skirt on the sink in the bathroom is just too stinkin' cute!  If I had a pedestal sink, it would be wearing a skirt!
A wire wastebasket as a lampshade over an industrial light.  Who thought that up??

More pictures on Saturday.  Took nearly 60 pics.  Check out the album I posted on Facebook here.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Judy you got some great shots and how adorable is that pix of Jim and Kim... they are such a Sweet Couple!

    Dawn... The Bohemian
