Saturday, April 14, 2012

Visiting Lucketts Store and Design House

I love to visit Lucketts Store in Lucketts, Virginia.  Lucketts is located about 5 miles north of Leesburg on Rte. 15 heading north to Maryland.  Leesburg is one of those beautiful historical towns that has kept is colonial look in the downtown area.
I love this tree that was in bloom!  Just beautiful!
 Here is Lucketts Store.
It's a wonderful old store that has been converted to an antiques shop.  Lots of wonderful displays and antique items are inside.  And there are three floors to roam around in!!
Outside on the grounds of the Lucketts Store are various sheds that hold all sorts of wonderful items for your home or yard.
Inside, the store was packed with wonderful displays and lovely things.
A pretty dresser.
Torso forms, mirrors, eggs, metal cages, and a lovely black dresser.
I love that storage piece in the back.  Do you suppose that at one time hens were busy laying eggs in there or was it a hardware storage piece for a general store?
I love the decoration on this burlap pillow!
See the doll leg, old coin and the photo?

Outside was this basket full of Easter bunnies that were for sale!  They were all scrunched up inside this basket to keep warm.  It was very cool and breezy that day.

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