Thursday, March 8, 2012

Grapefruit and things

On my walk this morning, I found that a neighbor had put out a huge bin full of these gorgeous red grapefruits and they were free for the taking.  All neatly bagged for easy carrying away.  So I took a bag and brought them home.  They are washed and ready for snacking -- sweet and juicy!!
I have already eaten two of them!  Hard not to when they are so good!
Got the latest issue of Country Living today, too!  Have already looked through it!
This is one of the succulents I bought a couple of weeks ago and transplanted.  I was really worried about it because it went limp in this pot and stayed that way for several days.  However, now I see it has perked up and sprouted all these pretty pink flowers!  Saw a butterfly taking advantage of the flowers earlier today!
These are such tiny, delicate pink flowers on this plant.  And I love the silver color of the leaves.

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