Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Etsy Garden Party - Part 2

Well, after reading the blogs that joined the Etsy Garden Party, I felt that I should include some pictures of what I actually do have outdoors around my "desert dwelling" house or "garden".  I don't garden.  I hire someone to do that.  But I do have some items to share with you from the yard that are real pretty right now.
Here is one of the lavender bushes that are in the yard.  They are so pretty right now and full of visiting bees!
The birds have built nests in the sweet acacia tree.
The succulents are blooming in the warm sun.  Such tiny pink flowers.
And this is the bougainvillea at the end of the patio!  Pretty spectacular, even if I do say so myself!

Thanks to the other bloggers on the Etsy Garden Party, I went out and took these pictures to share as well!  I hope you don't mind!


  1. Just beautiful!!!What type of lavender is that??

  2. It is amazing how things will find a way to bloom even in the most unusual places. Very pretty blossoms!
