Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Spice shakers redeux

There were four of these spice shakers in the thrift store two weeks ago.  I had my "thinking outside the box" hat on that day and bought them.  I cleaned them up and then went to work on them.
I filled each one from my stash of small pearly buttons, wrapped these two in old lace and tulle, stamped clear round tags and tied them on.  A lot of people buy buttons from me.  Don't know exactly why -- do they collect, do they sew, do they do mixed media art???  Anyway, what better way to display a jar of tiny pearly buttons in your sewing room or to give as a gift for someone else.
These two are again wrapped with pieces of vintage lace and the tags are antiqued and then an old white rose bead is attached.  Way pretty, don't you think??

Once the buttons are used up, the shaker can hold glass glitter, regular glitter, or more buttons for your crafting.


  1. Very pretty Judy, and I love those white rose beads on your tags!!

  2. Judy ,they are so pretty,like Robin I love the ones with lace ,and the roses, on your tags.

  3. These look nice! Just Beautiful! I am one of your button buyers!

  4. I love buttons, not that I do anything in particular with them I just love them. Put buttons in pretty shaker like this, very cute!
    I found you from JoAnnA, glad I did.

  5. Love this idea. Looking forward to seeing you and Kim

  6. Hi Judy,
    These are just gorgeous! Oh how I love the vintage look... you clever one! Cute idea!
    Have a great weekend.
