I was shopping this weekend for things for my booth at Merchant Square. I went to an estate sale in Mesa and found these pictures.

This picture was probably taken in the late 1800's. She has on the cutest plaid dress. And I love her high button shoes! Not to mention the lace from her petticoat showing at the hem of her dress. Too cute! I did edit this picture because there were red streaks on it. You can see a bit of it at the top of the photo. I cropped as close as I could to get rid of the red streaks.

These sisters had their picture taken one afternoon. This is a postcard and on the back is a note telling about the day and having their picture taken by Walter. They were down in the strawberry patch on a Sunday morning. The dog's name is Dingo and the girl on the left has three kittens in her lap. They also noted on the card for the reader to notice how they are dressed up.

This lady had her picture taken in her finery! I just love that hat and the fur coat she is wearing. Lots of pretty pins on the coat and her blouse. I am just sorry that I could not get the scratch on her face removed. I tried, but didn't have any success. Since I got my new computer I don't have Photoshop loaded on it. Can't find my disk to load it on the machine! It will turn up eventually!! Somewhere!!
All of these photos were uploaded to my Flickr account and you are welcome to use them. If you go to Flickr (see the link on the right side of the blog) you can download different sizes of the photos for your use.
I just love your photo finds. I'm always bringing home pictures from antique stores. I'd love to have pictures like these of some of my ancesters. Too bad their families don't have them any longer.
It looks like the little girl might have on pantaloons, and the hat on the woman is quite something isn't it? I especially like the one of the sisters with their pets and the background story you shared.
Thanks for sharing these great pics. I LoVe the last lady in all her glory, wowza! Can't imagine what it must have been like to be her...
I adore these pictures and all old ones I can discover. I told my kids if they ever put any of my family photos into an antique shoppe, I was going to haunt them for sure. It saddens me that somewhere there is family to these pictures.
Lucy, I love these kinds of pictures, too, and have loads of them! Please grab a copy of the Feb/Mar issue of Somerset Memories and check out my vintage photo album that will be published in that issue. It addresses the very subject of pictures being tossed aside by families because they don't know who they were.
Hmm! Never thought of haunting my kids if they get rid of the family pictures. I have them all boxed according to years and locations where we lived. Also have identified as many of them as I could.
A dog named Dingo! Reminds me of a movie and a Seinfeld episode! Great pictures. I can't wait to see your art in Somerset memories!!!!
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